“I came to Susie with menopause symptoms of hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain and decreased libido.
I was surprised at her unique approach in recognizing that emotional, physical and spiritual history plays into all of this.
Unlike most health coaches Susie has the ability To order labs and prescribe hormones as needed. With Susie I not only get a health coach but I have the benefit of a health professional reviewing and taking into account my health history and the things that currently affects the symptoms that are contributing to my menopause.
My menopausal symptoms have reduced dramatically and I have gained an understanding and learned to accept myself right where I am.”
— Kim H. , 52
“I went to five different primary care doctors complaining of weight gain, fatigue and achy joints. I am 45 years old and just beginning menopause. Most of my doctors would not draw labs and those who did told me that it is normal for hormones to decrease as we age. It has been very difficult to find anyone that would treat my hormone imbalances.
Susie did a full blood panel and we discovered that I have an auto immune disorder Hashimoto. I cannot tell you how many doctors have told me that I don’t have thyroid issues and as it turns out this has been one of the very issue that has been causing most my symptoms.
In counseling with Susie I have decided at this time not to begin hormone treatment since most everything was treated with thyroid medication and some lifestyle modifications. I know however that when I do decide to start hormone therapy treatment that I have a friend in the business. It’s nice to be included in making healthcare decisions with my provider instead of being told what I should or shouldn’t do. I feel like not only do I have a coach but we are teammates.”
— Jennifer S. , 45
“I have struggled with my weight since I turned 40. When I came to Susie she did labs and I found out I am pre diabetic. With the food allergy panel she runs I also found out that I have quite a few food allergies. With this knowledge she was able to provide recommendations for my diet and provide prescriptions to help prevent diabetes and decrease inflammation. I have now been able to lose the weight that has been plaguing me since I began menopause. ”
— Brenda L.. , 48
“When I hit menopause I figured I probably needed testosterone. I had heard several women talking about the decline in Testosterone affecting their energy levels and libido. I was experiencing weight gain and fatigue. Susie suggested that we do bloodwork and we found out that my testosterone levels were actually high. She was able to diagnosed me with polycystic ovarian disease which I had never known that I have. She was able to provide recommendations for hormones and diet that have helped me to manage my symptoms and balance my hormones. It is amazing to me how many doctors I have been to and typically the recommendation is to eat less and exercise more. I am so grateful to know the source of my symptoms. Most providers were treating the symptoms and not the source.”