Book Susie to Speak.

With more than 30 years of experience in nursing and years as a professor, Susie has seen it all in healthcare — from the death of her own child in the hospital healthcare system, sepsis amongst patients and more. 

As an advocate for both patients and the nurses who care for them, Susie speaks on a wide range topics for both the layperson interested in taking control of their own health and wellbeing and medical professionals dedicated to providing more compassion, understanding, and empathy in their field.

She teaches nurses the importance of patient advocacy and involvement in communicating with those in positions of power to value each patient.  Through her engaging storytelling and life experience, the audience learns valuable tools to help revolutionize their own medical practice.  

Speaking Engagement for Nursing Students, Nurses & Nurse Practitioners

Embark on a journey through my life as a seasoned nurse/nurse practitioner, where compassion meets the challenges of navigating the intricate landscape of contracts and reimbursement. Join me as your insights and wisdom game from years of experience in nursing.

Explore the core of nursing as I delve into the significance of patient compassion through real life experiences. Examples discover the transformative power of empathy and the profound impact it has on patient care. Learn how fostering compassion not only enriches the lives of patients but also sustains the resilience of nurses.

Navigate the pitfalls of the nursing career with me. Navigate the twists and turns of a nursing career with me as your guide. Uncover the challenges I faced and overcome from demanding work environments to personal growth. Game practical insights on resilience, self-care, in the art of balancing a feeling career in the ever evolving field of nursing. 

Dive into the intricacies  of negotiating contracts in your nursing profession. Equip yourself with negotiation strategies tailor to the unique demands of the healthcare setting. Whether your novice or experienced nurse learns how to secure favorable terms, advocate for yourself, and navigate the contractual landscape with confidence.

Embark on your own journey, armed with the knowledge and experience shared in this heart filled, entertaining and very real experience to prepare without fear to have the greatest career of your life. 

Guide to No-More Menopausal Misery (and Getting Your Mojo Back)