Why doesn’t Susie take insurance?

Patients lose part in the decision making aspect of their healthcare when insurance is involved.  In addition the hands of the practitioner are tied in many ways with insurance decision making.  How many times have you been told that your insurance doesn't approve something necessary for your health, and yet you have no control over the situation regardless of the amount you pay in insurance rates.  By removing insurance and creating one flat fee there is no 2 week waiting time to see the provider, no waiting room, no insurance denial and no issues with the provider being told what they can and cannot do to care for the patient. 

Why does Susies charge for packages and not individual visits?

Healing is a process and not a one-off event! Susie has learned to do a thorough assessment of her patients to include a mind, body and soul approach to healing,  Her work is unique in that she takes the time to look at the entire picture of an individual to identify the unique circumstances of your condition.  No two people are the same, yet in medicine everything comes from a very cookie cutter approach.  

Few people have a health transformation after one or two visits because real, lasting change is a process. Susie has taken her medical knowledge and packaged it into experiences that can support a totality of healing.

What will our nursing graduates gain by having Susie as a speaker?

Susie empowers new nurses and nurse practitioners by including her 30 years of nursing expertise.  She has extensive knowledge of the health care system and has seen both the success and the demise of the system for nurses and patients, 

With new nurses typically feeling lost and frightened as they deal with patients, families, doctors and other healthcare professionals, shehelps new nurses and practitioners with mindset tools and tactical tools to effectively negotiate their contracts.  She empowers new graduates with the confidence to embark on their new careers without the burnoutto avoid “ burn out” and enjoy their new professions.  In Susie’s speeches, nurses and practitioners are given the tools they need to navigate difficult patients and coworkers.  They are taught the importance of communication and compassion in their professions.

What unique perspective does Susie bring to nursing personnel in the hospital setting?

Susie not only has an extensive background in bedside nursing, but also has the unique perspective of being a patient in a healthcare system that did not always feel compassionate.

Susie’s first hospitalization began as a fourteen year old girl admitted for sepsis after a streptococcal infection. She remembers the fears associated with being a pediatric patient alone with little communication from the doctors and nurses and recognizes that patients should always be treated with respect and more involved in their health decision making. 

With the birth of her fourth baby, Susie had a five week hospitalization with premature labor and a subchorionic hemorrhage. Unfortunately she contracted a bacterial infection and became septic.  Her baby lived just five weeks,  and it was during this hospitalization she learned to recognize the difference of those who viewed nursing as solely a “job” and those who truly had compassion and chose to see patients as deeper than their medical diagnoses,  She learned that nurses have the most unique role in the field of healthcare when it comes to absolute advocacy of our patients.  

After Susie became a nurse practitioner, she was hospitalized for a spinal fusion,  and again contracted a nosocomial infection requiring an extended three week hospitalization with three spinal surgeries, a wound vac and PICC line.  She saw the disconnect of communication between doctors, nurses, ancillary staff, home health, insurance and pharmacies… The system was challenging at best.  

Her perspective as a patient helps those in the healthcare setting to see themselves as not just nurses, providers or hospital staff, but as potential patients themselves. By improving healthcare for our patients, ultimately we do improve healthcare for ourselves and for future generations.

I’m a Nurse Practitioner and I feel overwhelmed, unappreciated and burned out.  I’d like to be an independent practitioner to provide the best care for my patients.  What might I gain by attending an event with Susie?

Susie realizes that as practitioners we each have something unique to provide to our patients.  Our unique talents can be expressed in our individual practice.  So much fear can surround this choice and yet the greatest satisfaction for ourselves and our patients can flourish in this environment.

Susie shares the fears and the navigation of boards and investigations which may ensue with private practice.  She delivers the confidence for those willing to embark upon an adventure and  the autonomy required for independence.

What are Susie’s qualifications?

  • International Society of Female Professionals

  • ANCC

  • 30 yr RN

  • 6 yr APRN

  • Professor UNLV

  • Negotiated 5 - 6 figure jobs

  • Licensed 4 states

  • Functional Nutrition Certification